
Building your TTS mod
With lock down still ongoing (I’m writing this blog at the start of July 2020 in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic) more and more...

Writing Tabletop AI
Recently I’ve been working on a project with a fairly prominent piece of cardboard AI in it and I was thinking about writing this blog,...

How I Write Skirmish Games: Skip To The Good Bit
Skirmish games have what I call generic rules. I hate generic rules, I hate writing generic rules. I’ve written so many versions of line...

How I write Skirmish games: Bloat, Creep and Grognard Capture
That’s an appealing collection of words for a title, right? For those unaware, those unpleasant sounding terms are all things that can...

Skirmish game design diary: Mean Street 2084
I’ve recently been signed on to write a series of one-off miniature wargame scenarios for miniature wargames magazine. I thought people...

Chekov’s Meeple
There are two principles that I need to set out before getting into this blog, so I beg a little patience. The first is that playwriting...