
Using a Pledge Manager
On our third Kickstarter, for the Rage of Montalbano deluxe expansion for SSO we decided to use a pledge manager for the first time. ...

Creators, Kickstarters, Previews and Reviews
I’ve seen quite a few discussions about Kickstarter and paid (P)Reviews, it seems to be a discussion that rolls around fairly endlessly,...

Choosing a project title
I’m working on the prototype of what will be the next game from Man O’ Kent and I’ve been kicking around the title quite a bit. I’d like...

The Blog on the Blog
While this blog doesn’t have a massive following, I know that there have been a few people who follow it and a few of the entries have...

The Myth of Funding Early
Just to get the obvious bits out of the way first, I’m not saying that funding early is impossible or that it’s a bad thing when it...

Kickstarter myths, legends and assumptions
To many Kickstarter feels like a mysterious place, one small game can make a million while bigger budget projects struggle to get funded,...

Comment boards and your Kickstarter community.
An active Kickstarter comments board boosts your project in Kickstarter’s algorithms. But attracting people to see a comments board with...

SSO: Rage of Montalbano Kickstarter Post-Partum
We’ve recently (as in at the time of writing this within 48 hours) successfully funded our third Kickstarter, this time for SSO: Rage of...

Reviews, Previews, Kickstarter and Independent Designers
I want to make this post because I feel there is a gap between the perception and the reality of the world of reviewers and previewers in...

How Not to look for Work in the Gaming Industry
We’re not a big company, to be honest, we’re barely a company. What we are is two people who hire a handful of other people to make a...