Time to die.
SSO contains player elimination. For those who haven't immediately sworn to never have anything to do with the game on that basis, let me...
Further Challenges
I've been testing and tweaking the base game and first two decks for around 5 or 6 months now, and that was after some pretty carefully...
Narrative Imperatives
Okey, so, inflexible linear narrative imperative. Thrilling I know. SSO is a narrative game, the intent is to tell the story of your...
Manifest Crew
The S.S.O. comes with a wide range of crew, 12 in the base set actually, 4 command crew, 8 general crew. They've all been repeatedly...
Skirmish Game Portfolio
The following are skirmish game rule sets that I've created available for development and publishing: Kingpin - A 50's noir detective...
Prototype Portfolio
The following are card and board games that I've designed and prototyped. They are available for development, collaboration and...
Resource Managment
Something that will almost certainly come up at various points, not least during reviews and Kickstarter, will be my decision to make the...
Spaces in Space
So the ship has various locations, one of which, in the vein of sci-fi films everywhere is a Cryogenics pod. Originally, in the game the...
The Genesis Project
The original genesis of the SSO mechanics comes from a moment in the Danny Boyle film Sunshine, which I'm about to spoiler in explaining...