
Moonflight Development: The Moon is High
So I’ve just come back from UK Games Expo, which was a great experience, I’ve been able to watch members of the public playing Moonflight...

How I Write Skirmish War Games: Campaigns
In my anecdotal experience the journey from gamer to game designer goes something like this; New weapon/character/unit; New Scenario; New...

Books For Game Designers and Kickstarter Creators
While there are a range of excellent blogs online I've always tended towards physical books for reading and reference. As such here are...

Legends: Making Tales
Legends is the second in our series of short miniatures skirmish games. It is a fast moving game of extreme events struggled over by...

How I Write Skirmish War Games: Narrative As Goal Not Excuse, Part 2 Narrative Rules
Narrative scenarios are all well and good but they are fundamentally an addition to an existing rules set and the best way to achieve a...

How I Write Skirmish War Games: Narrative As Goal Not Excuse, Part 1 Scenarios
There is a sentence that turns up in various war games, it amounts to something like this: “if rules are unclear/confusing/badly written...

How I Write Skirmish War Games: Chance and Punishment
Dice and probability are an inevitability in any war game, however a distressing number of games include it simply because "war games...

Moonflight Development: Learning Lessons
Bad playtests are the ones when nothing goes wrong. I'm happy where Moonflight is right now as a game still developing. The Jack O' Clay...

Copyright, Trademark and Patent: Protecting IP for Independent Designers
What designers should do in relation to protecting their designs when showing them to others is, for obvious reasons, a concern for many...

How I Write Skirmish War Games: Introduction and Manifesto
I've worked on a few miniatures war games now, written a handful and studied a whole bunch, as such I've formed a set of hopefully useful...