Graphic Design for people who don’t know anything about graphic design
Right off the bat, I want to make very clear, this is in relation to designing your Kickstarter page only. Unless you're a professional...
Kickstarter Rules
Which is to say, the rules set by Kickstarter, rather than an exclamation that Kickstarter is very splendid (not to say that it isn’t)....
Negativity exists – The tricky relationship of Kickstarter Creator and Backer
Let me just open by saying, I believe in people. I think that on the whole they are smart and generous, kind and decent. Personally, I’m...
Things Learnt From SSO To Moonflight
Hopefully with each Kickstarter, and each game, we’re learning a little something about how to do this right. As such, between our...
Kickstarter: Little Things To Do
I wrote recently about a few things that don’t seem to help your Kickstarter anything like as regularly or as much as some people would...
Kickstarter: Little Things Not To Do
A Kickstarter is made up of a hundred little things. Some take two seconds to do, are totally free, and will positively affect your...
Kickstater Post-Partum for SSO and Moonflight
I had intended to do a post kickstarter examination of SSO but never got around to it, at least partly due to a feeling that I didn’t...
Kickstarting The Easy Way: Stretch Goals – Scale, Hidden Profit and Unit Price.
Stretch Goals are a continually complex issue for independent game designers and they revolve around a couple of tricky to calculate...
Kickstarting the Easy Way: Designing for Kickstarter
Running a Kickstarter is a very specific skill and its hard to learn without doing, if you’re putting a game onto Kickstarter its...
Kickstarting the Easy Way: How Best To Not Lose Money
I've previously written blogs about some of the details of budgeting game production for Kickstarter or otherwise and there are several...