Pitch and Yaw: Under Sail

Pitch and Yaw is the first of what will eventually be a series of short miniatures skirmish games. It is a fast moving game of asymmetrical boarding actions intended to be played over two rounds, with players taking turns as both defender and attacker. There are a range of pirate themed skirmish games available but Pitch and Yaw stands out by including the effects of a dynamically shifting battle field as would be experienced fighting a combat action on a ship in the open seas.
The free version comes with two forces, the unruly and close combat leaning Pirates, and the disciplined and long range inclined Navy. In the full version they are joined by the reckless and numerous Tribes, and the skilled and elite Privateers. Play consists of selecting a hand full of crew and a captain, the attacker seeks to search the ship before the defender can take sufficient toll on their numbers to force a surrender, then players re-set, swap sides and play again. Turns see players activating their crew to move and attack before the ship shifts sending all unsecured objects and crew careening across the deck and possibly into the briny deep.
For those interested in playtesting and development, the Privateers, an elite close combat force (taking inspiration from Errol Flynn and The Princess Bride) were originally the Trillians, an elite ranged force (based on the works of Jules Verne). During playtesting it was decided that in such a small model count game the elite firing line of the Trillians robbed the game of fun for both sides, resulting in their replacement by the more dynamic Privateers. General additions during play testing included the rules for reinforcements and asking Quarter. Reinforcements were included because Pitch and Yaw was always intended to be a game of brutality, if struck by a musket ball or cutlass death tends to result, so to avoid this resulting in a sense of irritation and bitterness reinforcements are provided until game end triggers are met. Quarter was added as a trigger for the end of the game based on player activity, it can be asked and given at any point in the game but can be forced by achieving certain goals.
Check out Pitch and Yaw, a game of high seas piracy, shifting decks, brutal violence and quarter asked and given.
Download the free version here.
Purchase the full version for £1 in our shop here.